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The Mediterranean basin has a long and multifaceted cultural history and harbors a high biodiversity. Epidemiological studies have drawn attention to certain traditional Mediterranean diets. However, wild gathered food species, which are an important, but fast disappearing element of these diets, so far have been largely neglected in scientific studies. In this study we compare ethnobotanical data obtained from field studies conducted in Southern Italy, Southern Spain, mainland Greece, and Crete resulting in the identification of a core group of 18 culinary used wild gathered plant species. This group comprises species likePapaver rhoeas L.,Sonchus asper L.,S. oleraceus L., andSilene vulgaris L. We argue that the culinary use of wild gathered weedy greens evolved together with the neolithization process, since this offered the necessary ecological niches for them to thrive, thereby enriching and securing the diets of European agriculturalists. Especially wild gathered Asteraceae species seem to form a sort of proto-nutraceutical, which accounts for a significant input of biologically active compounds in the diet.  相似文献   
夏同胜  朱家龙  邵民 《四川动物》2006,25(2):400-402
分析5~8年龄段的扬子鳄在不同环境条件下越冬出现的发病死亡结果,表明越冬期内空气温度的昼夜剧烈变化,使得越冬池内的水温发生较大的波动,导致处在越冬中的扬子鳄生理功能紊乱,使鳄患病甚至死亡,当年的室外饲养质量影响鳄的发病时间.  相似文献   
人工驯养下扬子鳄的生长规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究结果表明扬子鳄在饲养条件下的生长具有一定的规律性。饲养群体中,5龄以前的鳄生长速率较快,其中在2龄前生长速率最快,在5龄至7龄间生长速率明显减慢;鳄体长与体重之间呈正相关,两者在体长小于50cm时呈直线相关,体长大于50cm时呈曲线相关。不同性别的扬子鳄年生长状况不同,从5龄开始雌雄鳄体重出现显著差异,雄鳄重于雌鳄;从6龄开始雌雄鳄在体长方面的生长速率出现差异,雄鳄生长明显快于雌鳄;达到10龄后,雌雄鳄在体长和体重方面的增长均明显减慢,达到15龄时两者的体形已相差悬殊,雄性大于雌性。由von Berta-lanffy生长模型分析,雌鳄达到25龄而雄鳄达到35龄后,各自的体长几乎停止生长,雌鳄平均最大体长为173cm,雄鳄平均最大体长为219cm。在人工越冬下,除第一次越冬外,扬子鳄在越冬室内的冬眠中体况无明显变化,体能明显消耗出现在户外冬眠过程中。本研究为扬子鳄的科学化饲养提供理论依据。  相似文献   
通过对宣城扬子鳄繁殖研究中心三代繁殖鳄1982—2003年繁殖力有关参数的分析,结果表明近三年来繁殖研究中心扬子鳄产卵量明显减少;亲代受精率为(83.80±2.37)%、孵化率为(89.53±0.86)%;发现F1受精率为(79.38±2.74)%、孵化率为(83.78±1.95)%;F2代个体受精率为(68.7±1.84)%、孵化率为(88.16±1.68)%;通过单因素方差分析F(受精率)=4.33(P<0.05)、F(孵化率)=4.56(P<0.05)差异显著。分析影响扬子鳄繁殖的因素发现:产卵量明显减少可能与亲代鳄逐渐退出繁殖期、F1代鳄整体产卵能力有下降趋势、F2代鳄没有大规模进入繁殖期有关;分析历史资料发现扬子鳄产卵窝数与4月份的温度相关性高(R=0.979,P<0.01);作者认为F1、F2代个体与亲代之间的受精率、孵化率有显著差异,近交衰退、遗传多样性的丧失有密切关系。利用时间序列分析建立理想状态下饲养扬子鳄种群数量估计模型,预测10年内扬子鳄饲养将可能达到19000尾;根据该种群增长模式及种群年龄结构特点,应扩大饲养规模,特别是育成鳄饲养池及幼鳄饲养池的建设。  相似文献   
大白菜杂交种''冠春''杂交率的RAPD分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从春大白菜品种‘冠春’及其亲本中提取基因组DNA,用320个随机引物进行RAPD扩增,从中筛选出5 个可将亲本和子代区分的引物S4、S47、S73、S134和S194。S4产生父本特征带S4-370;S47和S134产生母本特征带S47-700 和S134-1200;S73和S494产生亲本互补的特征带S73-660、S73-730和S494-400、S494-1770,上述谱带均在子代中出现。以这5个引物产生的特征谱带建立杂交种‘冠春’及其亲本的RAPD特异指纹。通过对134个‘冠春’的种子进行纯度鉴定,结果表明2个父本和4个母本与大田检测结果完全一致。进一步验证了4种鉴定大白菜杂交种方法的可行性。  相似文献   
贯叶连翘挥发性化学成分研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用水蒸气蒸馏法提取中草药贯叶连翘(全草)挥发油。通过气相色谱/质谱联用技术测定了挥发油的化学成分,从中鉴定出75种化合物,其中百里香酚、桉油精、丁香油酚等酚类物质为首次检出。结果表明,贯叶连翘因产地不同、部位不同,其挥发油的成分有较大的差别。  相似文献   
‘晚大新高’梨授粉及受精过程的显微动态研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
应用荧光显微法和石蜡切片解剖法对‘晚大新高’梨授粉受精过程进行了系统观察研究。结果表明:‘晚大新高’梨自花授粉不结实;异花最佳授粉品种为‘黄花’,其次为‘翠冠’和‘丰水’。与选用‘黄花’为异花授粉品种相比,自花和异花的授粉受精过程存在明显差异,自花花粉在授粉后2h开始萌发,8h花粉管生长至离柱头约1/3处停止生长,顶端膨大呈球形,表现出自交不亲和性;异花花粉在授粉后1h开始部分萌发,8h花粉管生长至花柱中部,24h到达花柱基部并进入子房,48h进入胚囊,72h完成双受精过程。  相似文献   
We searched the genomes of eight rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica and ssp. indica) and a wild rice accession (Oryza rufipogon Griffith) for nucleotide polymorphisms, and identified 7805 polymorphic loci, including single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertions/deletions (InDels), in predicted intergenic regions. Polymorphisms are useful as DNA markers for genetic analysis or positional cloning with segregating populations of crosses. Pairwise comparison between cultivars and a neighbor-joining tree calculated from SNPs agreed very well with relationships between rice strains predicted from pedigree data or calculated with other DNA markers such as p-SINE1 and simple sequence repeats (SSRs), suggesting that whole-genome SNP information can be used for analysis of evolutionary relationships. Using multiple SNPs to identify alleles, we drew a map to illustrate the alleles shared among the eight cultivars and the accession. The map revealed that most of the genome is mono- or di-allelic among japonica cultivars, whereas alleles well conserved among modern japonica paddy rice cultivars were often shared with indica cultivars or wild rice, suggesting that the genome structure of modern cultivars is composed of chromosomal segments from various genetic backgrounds. Use of allele-sharing analysis and association analysis were also tested and are discussed.  相似文献   
Karyotypes of 27 species in Leucadendron are analysed for the first time. New chromosome counts are reported for 15 species, with 2 n  = 26 occurring in all of them. Karyotype analysis indicated that chromosomes of Leucadendron taxa are small in size and have predominantly median to submedian centromeres. The mean sizes of somatic metaphase chromosomes ranged from 1.05 to 2.65 µm. Based on Stebbins' karyotype classification, 1A type was found in L. galpinii , L. muirii , L. orientale , L. platyspermum , L. rubrum , and L. salignum ; 2A type in L. conicum , L. flexuosum , L. laureolum , L. meridianum , L. salicifolium , L. stelligerum , and L. teretifolium ; and 2B type in L. argenteum , L. chamelaea , L. discolor , L. elimense , L. eucalyptifolium , L. floridum , L. gandogeri , L. linifolium , L. loeriense , L. macowanii , L. procerum , L. spissifolium , L. strobilinum , and L. tinctum . These types are the three most symmetrical karyotypes and are considered to be primitive.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 151 , 387–394.  相似文献   
In order to investigate the pharmacological basis of ‘Yang-invigorating’ action, the effect of oral treatment with the methanolic extract of ‘Yang-invigorating’ herbs on ATP-generation capacity was examined, using heart homogenates prepared from herb-pretreated mice. Tonifying (i.e., health-promoting) herbs of other functional categories were also included for comparison. The results indicated that ‘Yang-invigorating’ Chinese tonifying herbs could invariably enhance myocardial ATP-generation capacity, with the extent of stimulation varying among the herbs. In contrast, ‘Yin-nourishing’ herbs either did not stimulate or even decreased myocardial ATP-generation capacity. While ‘Qi-invigorating’ herbs produced variable effects on myocardial ATP-generation capacity, most of the ‘blood-enriching’ herbs did not cause any significant changes. The results obtained from studies using myocardial mitochondrial fractions isolated from herb-pretreated mice suggest that ‘Yang-invigorating’ herbs might speed up ATP generation by increasing mitochondrial electron transport. The ensemble of results has provided evidence for the first time to support the pharmacological basis of ‘Yang invigoration’ in Chinese medicine.  相似文献   
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